newsDenis Waterford 9105453

Dr Eugene Broderick’s fourth and final instalment of this lunch time lecture series has been postponed due to the bad weather. It has been re-scheduled for next Wednesday the 7th of March at 1.15pm in the Medieval Museum. We do apologise for this, but your safety is paramount to us.

Examining the years 1932—1938, which witnessed the political dominance of Éamon de Valera. These were dramatic and turbulent times in the Ireland’s history and had a significant impact on the development of the Irish State. Many of the events of this period still cast their shadow over contemporary Ireland.

So please come along and enjoy learning about our past.

De Valera Triumphant, 1932-1938

Date: 7th March – The Ireland of Eamon de Valera, 1932-1938: Religion, Culture and the Status of Women. Was de Valera’s Ireland a haven for Catholic extremists, cultural zealots and misogynists. Was it as dark a place as it is often presented?

Time: 1.15pm

Venue: Medieval Museum, Viking Triangle, Waterford

Cost: Only €5 for this talk (all proceeds go towards the Museum acquisition and conservation fund)

Tickets available in advance from Bishop’s Palace or Medieval Museum receptions, phone 0761 102650 or email or on the door.

Generously sponsored by the