On Sunday 4th October 2015 last, at 3pm in Cathedral Square His Worship, the Deputy Mayor of Waterford, Councillor John O’Leary opened an exhibition on the Roberts Family of Waterford in the Bishop’s Palace. As part of the ceremony the Commanding Officer of the Irish Guards, Lt Col Alexander Turner DSO, in the presence of the British Ambassador, His Excellency Dominick Chilcott, presented, to Waterford Treasures a bust of the Waterfordian Field Marshal Earl Roberts of Kandahar, Pretoria and Waterford, VC, First Colonel of the Irish Guards, to remember Irish Guardsmen from Waterford City and County who lost their lives in World War I.
The bronze bust has been very generously sponsored by members and ex-members of the Irish Guards.
Eamonn McEneaney Director of Waterford Treasures commented: ‘the Roberts family has made an enormous contribution to Waterford in the 300 years of their association with Urbs Intactaas architects, artists and armymen. The Field Marshal was undoubtedly the oldest soldier to die in World War I, therefore Waterford can now boast the youngest and oldest soldiers to die in the War.’